Hey there. This was originally a video on my YouTube channel, but I wanted to expand on it a little more. If you want, you can view the video here: https://youtu.be/thUdmejYPRE?si=EEsX8aNG-wYN82m0 With that being said, let’s get into the post. Scientists estimate that in four-to-five billion years, the sun will explode. Before this, the sun will reach such a size that all the oceans on this beautiful Earth will have evaporated. As we all know, life without water cannot exist. This means that all life will be dead by then. What’s interesting about this, is that so many people don’t realize what this means. So, let’s take this a step further. Picture this: You’re at a coffee shop ordering your caramel cold brew or whatever the fuck you call it, and the poor over-worked, and under-paid, barista makes it for you. There’s just one slight problem. They have the wrong name on it. So they call the wrong name, but you know it’s yours, so you go to grab it. Then, just as you grab it, it spills and you’re forced to wipe it up with a napkin. Imagine the stares of the employees. Imagine the stares of the customers as they giggle and laugh and judge you. But let’s pause for a moment. Is this actually happening, or is this in your head? In all honesty, it’s just in your head. But, for the sake of this argument, let’s pretend it’s not. Brittany over there, sitting in the green chair with her friend Sarah by her side, are giggling at you. You feel sullen. You feel embarrassed. Blood flows to your face as your body enters flight or fight mode. But then, just then, you remember something. Nothing. Fucking. Matters. One day the sun will explode, as stated previously, leaving behind nothing but a void, and a vast desert on Earth. So, let me ask you this. Why the fuck are you wasting your time caring what other people think about you? If you’re twenty-five, a quarter of your life is already over. Instead of hating yourself for a slight social mishap, you should laugh it off. Maybe, you should even talk to Brittany over there and get her phone-number. Maybe, you should go sky-diving. Maybe, you should tell your boss to go fuck himself and take a steaming pile of shit on his desk. NOTHING MATTERS! HOORAY!

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